Monday, August 30, 2010

Iron Svens: A Colorado Wonder

Jed and I decided to revisit the place where we were engaged because of this rare and unusual geological process. Two weeks ago when we were in this same mountains there were signs posted in areas that said 'no motorized travel due to the fragility of the iron fens'. No more explanation than that. We consider ourselves somewhat clever and after eliminating the idea that the iron fen was a type of bird, we decided it was, in fact, a plant. A very fragile plant that only grew on the left side of the road (where the signs were). Of course, that decision didn't keep us from googleing iron fens when we got home. Turns out, there are eight of these anomalies in Colorado and they are found no where else in the world! I'm not giving away their location, if you are that interested, you can do the research (we have to protect these bad boys), but WOW! Gorgeous!!!! The dogs loved it, but I'm not sure if they should have been drinking the water. Pico looks a little drunk.

Jed and I also decided to take some of our engagement photos while we were up in our special place. We'll do a real photo shoot with Kyla soon, but my goodness we had fun making fun of ourselves.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Belated Birthday Gift

I found this really organized person on the internet one day. I apologize for not remembering who you are :( But I mentioned to Jed how much I loved the idea of a peg board above my computer and three days later he told me that he knew what he was going to get me for my birthday. That was in June. The other day I came home from a trip to Durango and Whha Lah... I've already overloaded it with stuff and I still want to put up more!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Semi Anual Friendship Test

I would love to say that this group of people get together annually. Some of these fine folks see each other several times a year (since they reside in the northwest). However, two years ago in July was the last time we were all caught in the same vicinity. This year, we added Jed to the mix! And like a glove, hit fit perfectly. Here we are in Tacoma, WA/ Olympia National Park...

Best Buds

Jed and I just visited my best friend from college, Brit and her hubby, Hunter. They live on a private lake in Lakewood, WA. I think we are all still a little shocked at how quickly we grew up. It wasn't long ago that Brit, Hunter, myself and three other housemates were sharing a four bedroom house with a dog, a cat and two lizards. Wow. Time flies and great memories are made! Here Brit and her best bud, Augie, on the wooden barge that we took out on the lake the day we arrived :)