I have been so in and out of deciding what to blog about that most of the time I just ignore the fact that I ever even created a blog. I have changed my mind again and this time, I am posting about what I am most passionate about in this wonderful world. LOVE.
This past weekend my dad's side of the family gathered in Durango, CO for my Grampa Frank's funeral. It just happened to be my Aunt Anne's 60th birthday as well. I remember thinking at dinner the night of her birthday how wonderful that she can be with all four of her siblings and all five of her children on such a milestone in her life. She thanked her mom, my Gramma, for taking Grampa's hand and bringing us all together. My Gramma passed away 19 years ago. And here we were, all together again celebrating life. That's love. In all it's awkwardness and irony, to have your mom take your dad with her so that you can celebrate your birthday with your entire family, that is love.
This is not the type of love I will be talking about most of the time. My love, is my love, Jed. And he will be my main focus, but there will be tidbits from all over that I will share with you. And maybe some photos too.
Thanks for reading!